University Catalogues

English Major (B.A.)

The English Major is designed for students who are interested in literature and film and desire a career that requires an understanding of how such cultural texts work. The foundational courses (EMS 200 and EMS 220) introduce students to the importance of genre and to the variety of intellectual traditions through which literary works may be analyzed. In addition to learning about literary form and theory, students will consider how these works reflect and shape categories of “otherness” (such as race, ethnicity, and gender) and circulate within structures of power in an increasingly globalized and diverse world. The English Major includes a creative writing component that mirrors the production courses in the Film and Media Studies Major. This requirement ensures a deeper understanding of the literary genres that students will encounter and a greater mastery of the expressive potential of language.

The English Major prepares students for any career that requires excellence in oral and written communication, such as publishing, the media industry, journalism, copywriting, editing, or business writing. It also provides a solid foundation for graduate work in law, education, or literature.

For further information about degree requirement policies and guidelines, see the Degree Requirements page.

Major Requirements

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
EMS 200Introduction to Film, Literature and Media3
EMS 220Introduction to Cultural Studies3
Select one EMS course in diversity or trans-nationality/post-coloniality from the following:3
Horror/Sci-Fi in Film and Television
Black Lives Matter: African American Literature and Culture
Latina/o/x Literature and Culture
Native American Literature and Culture
Immigrant and Ethnic Literature
Black Cinema
Passing in American Literature
Women in Literature
Women and Film
Wonder Women
The Male Image in American Film
LGBQ American Literature
Transgender American Literature
Queer and Trans Media Studies
Cultural Studies and the Body
Literature and Medicine
Cultures of Contagion
Money, Love, and Death: Colonialism in Literature and Culture
Diasporic Literature and Culture
Caribbean Literature
Images of the Hero
Global Media
International Cinema
Youth Cultures in International Cinema
Select one creative writing course from the following: 3
Writing Poetry
Writing Fiction
Writing for Drama/Screen
Creative Nonfiction/Essay Writing
Creative Writing and Multimedia Production
Select four additional courses from the English and Media Studies department. It is encouraged that at least one elective focus on constructions of gender and sexuality, such as EMS 312, 322, 360, 361, 364, or EMS 365.12
Total Credits24

General Degree Requirements

Foundations for Success (15 Credits)

Course Title Credits
FDS 100Falcon Discovery Seminar3
Communications and Writing
Select one from:
EMS 101Critical Reading and Writing3
or EMS 101L Critical Reading and Writing with Lab
or EMS 102 Critical Reading and Writing for ESOL
or EMS 102L Critical Reading and Writing for ESOL with Lab
And one from:
EMS 104Multimodal Communication3
or EMS 105 Multimodal Communication for ESOL
Information Technology
CS 100Solving Business Problems with Information Technology 3
Mathematical Sciences
Select one from:
MA 105Mathematical Foundations for Business3
or MA 105L Mathematical Foundations for Business with Lab
or MA 107 Applied Calculus for Business
or MA 107L Applied Calculus for Business with Lab
or MA 131 Calculus I
or MA 131L Calculus I with Lab
Total Credits15

Context and Perspectives (18 Credits)

Course Title Credits
Students must take six courses, one in each category of Context and Perspectives:
Total Credits18

Business Dynamics/Business Administration Minor (18 Credits)

Course Title Credits
All courses are required:
AC 115Introduction to Financial Reporting and Analysis3
EC 111Principles of Microeconomics3
FI 118Introduction to Finance3
LA 100Business Law3
MG 116Human Dynamics in Organizations3
ST 113Business Statistics3
Total Credits18

Communication Intensive

All students are required to take a three-credit course designated as a Communication Intensive. This requirement can be met within a variety of course subjects in both Arts & Sciences and Business. Communication Intensive courses are designated with a "CI" in the course schedule. Transfer students with a minimum of 30 credits will be waived from the Communication Intensive requirement.

Please note that certain majors have an additional three-credit Communication Intensive built into their major requirements, separate from the general CI requirement.

Additional Requirements

Modern Language Requirement (6 Credits)

Course Title Credits
Two Modern Language courses (must be two semesters of the same language, regardless of proficiency level)6
Total Credits6

Unrestricted Electives (39 Credits)

Course Title Credits
Select 13 elective courses39
Total Credits39

Total: 120 Credits