University Catalogues

International Education

Bentley’s Cronin Office of International Education provides students with academically rigorous and culturally enriching international experiences, preparing them for socially responsible leadership in an increasingly interconnected world. The Office of International Education offers eligible undergraduates a wide range of education abroad options. With more than 80 programs in over 25 countries, students are able to experience the world as their classroom. Few experiences are as packed with opportunities for intellectual and professional growth. Students gain valuable insight into other countries and cultures, experiencing different ways of life, new points of view, and innovative strategies for living and working.

Term and Academic Year Study Abroad Programs

Students, regardless of major, are encouraged to spend a term abroad as a junior or senior, or a year abroad as a junior. Financial aid and scholarships are available.

Long-Range Planning: Students who wish to study abroad for a semester or academic year should consider how the experience will further their academic and professional goals and discuss these ideas with all relevant advisors on campus when selecting majors, minors, etc. It is much easier to build study abroad into a developing long-range plan rather than tack study abroad onto a pre-determined plan, especially if the plan includes a double major.

Bentley Partner Programs allow for studying alongside local and international students at prestigious institutions around the world. The methods of teaching and assessment at foreign universities are significantly different from those in the United States. These programs provide the highest level of academic immersion and require a great deal of self-sufficiency and independence on the part of students. The support networks reflect the cultural values and style of the host university and do not mirror Bentley's administration.

Bentley Affiliate Programs are administered by highly respected education abroad organizations approved by the university. Students enroll in courses designed for American study abroad participants and typically follow an American model of teaching and assessment. Students may have the option to take some or all courses at foreign universities with local and international peers, in which case teaching and assessment methods are very different from those at American universities.

Summer and Short-Term Study Abroad Programs

Students may apply as early as the first year for many of the following programs.

Summer programs range from three to eight weeks long. Students can enroll in summer courses at a foreign university or gain real-world experience through an unpaid internship while earning credit towards their degree.

Faculty-led international courses are intensive three-credit courses of 10 to 14 days that take place abroad during term breaks. Under the guidance of a Bentley professor, students examine course topics in the context of a specific country or region. Programs are announced each August for the upcoming academic year. Some courses are repeated and others are newly added each year, ensuring a variety of choices over a student’s four-year career.

International Internships and International Service-Learning Options

Credit-bearing internships and service-learning opportunities are available during the semester or summer at many program sites. Please see an advisor in the Office of International Education for more information.

To explore the most up-to-date program options, visit International Education and then meet with a study abroad advisor. All students are encouraged to visit as early as their first year, as planning ahead is important.

Grading Policy for Term and Academic Year Study Abroad 

Grading is "GPA neutral" for students studying abroad for a semester or academic year at Bentley partner and affiliate programs. Students earn Bentley credits and Bentley grades for all approved courses. If the program utilizes a different grading system, grades will be translated to Bentley's A-F/4.0 system according to Bentley’s equivalency scale. The Bentley transcript will show the term abroad with all approved course titles, Bentley credits, and Bentley grades in the A-F system. For grade translation details, please reference Bentley Grade Equivalencies chart on the International Education website. Programs not listed on the chart use a grading scale similar to Bentley's system and do not require translation.

Semester and academic year study abroad grades are not included in the Bentley GPA calculation, hence the name "GPA Neutral". The exclusion of grades from Bentley GPA calculation does not apply to:

  • "non-Bentley" term and academic year programs (transfer credit policy applies)
  • domestic study away programs (similar U.S. grading applies)
  • faculty-led international courses offered by Bentley faculty (campus grading policy applies)

Courses may not be taken pass/fail and students cannot choose to omit any approved course abroad from the Bentley transcript. All approved courses will appear on the transcript regardless of whether they are needed to meet degree requirements. Grading systems vary significantly around the world. Students who have any issues with grades earned abroad must address them with the faculty and program administrators abroad as early as possible, ideally before returning home. Bentley is obligated to honor the courses and grades as reported on the official transcript of the partner institution or study abroad program. Bentley cannot change or omit any courses or grades reported by the host institution or program.

Senior Spring or Summer Term Study Abroad Policy

Students who study abroad in the spring semester of their senior year generally do not complete the semester abroad in time to participate in May Commencement or receive a diploma. Transcripts from the semester abroad will not be received until summer. A diploma will not be issued until all program completion requirements are verified by the Bentley Registrar's office and the degree is conferred, typically in early September. Study abroad students whose schedules allow attendance at Commencement must request permission to participate in Commencement from the Registrar's Office.