University Catalogues

Alternative Sources of Credit

Advanced Standing Credit

In addition to awarding credit for course completion, Bentley accepts some standardized examinations (e.g., Advanced Placement).

Students may receive up to 30 credits through alternative sources of credit. Advanced Placement examination credits must be sent from the Collage Board directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admission. Additional information on advanced standing credit may be found on the Office of Undergraduate Admission website.

Directed Study

Qualified students can, under the guidance of a faculty member, undertake directed study to conduct an in-depth investigation or analysis of a specialized topic. To be eligible, students must have a 3.0 cumulative average, or a 3.3 cumulative average for the previous two semesters, or a 3.3 cumulative average in at least 12 credit hours within the curriculum area in which the directed study will be done.

Prior to the start of the semester during which the directed study will be undertaken, interested students obtain a directed study form from the registrar’s form site. A written proposal, completed form, and transcript are submitted to the appropriate faculty member. Upon faculty approval, the forms are forwarded for approval to the department chairperson and the associate dean of either business or arts and sciences, depending on the department in which the study will be done. Students may not take more than two directed study courses in any department, nor can students take more than two directed study courses in any semester. Students may apply directed study course credits only as electives, or, with department permission, as credit for major courses.


Tutorials enable students to complete a regular course when it is not offered in the university’s schedule. All academic regulations apply to tutorials and students register under the course’s regular catalogue number. To initiate a tutorial, students must have a special need for the proposed course; for example, the course is needed to complete a degree at a particular time. Students obtain a tutorial form from the registrar’s forms site. Approvals before the start of the semester in which the tutorial is to be taken are required from the appropriate faculty member, department chairperson, and associate dean of either business or arts and sciences, depending upon the department offering the course.