University Catalogues

Management (MG)

MG 116 Human Dynamics in Organizations     (3 credits)

Human Dynamics in Organizations examines the behavior of people in organizations and the relationship between this behavior and organizational effectiveness. In the course, students will explore the central issues, concepts and challenges related to human dynamics in organizations through readings, case studies, team projects, self-reflection instruments, and experiential exercises. They will better understand themselves as organizational members and hone their abilities to analyze managerial problems from a variety of perspectives. In particular, students will develop knowledge and skills to enable them to work effectively in teams and engage productively with a diverse set of organizational members.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 215 Supply Chain and Operations Fundamentals     (3 credits)

Pre-req - CS 100 and MA 105, MA 105L, MA 107, MA107L, MA 131 or MA 131L
Not eligible for students who have completed GB 214

Supply Chain and Operations are the core activities of any organization. Simply put, a business cannot function unless it successfully manages its operations and supply chain processes to source, produce and deliver the right product to the right customer at the right time. This course introduces the fundamentals of operations and supply chain management and discusses how coordinating supplier and internal processes creates value for the customer, the company, and society at large. The course highlights how optimizing the flow of goods, services and information creates supply chains that are both efficient (minimizing costs and waste) and effective (meeting or exceeding customer expectations). Throughout this course, students will examine the environmental and social impact of supply chain activities and explore how innovative solutions can resolve the tradeoffs between satisfying customer needs, maintaining healthy profits, and addressing environmental and social challenges.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 225 Career Success and Self-discovery     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116

Career Success stems not only from technical experience and knowledge, but also from an understanding of your abilities, character, and emotions. This course aims to help you gain a sense of purpose, engagement, and wellbeing in your life and career preparation. Through concepts, self-reflection and experiential exercises, including mindfulness meditation, you will develop skills to: 1) effectively navigate stressors and challenges you may experience in your career journey, and 2) cultivate and maintain your personal wellbeing in your professional life.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 228 Managing Diversity in the Workplace     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116

This course explores the opportunities and challenges of the United States' increasingly diverse workforce. Addresses the knowledge and skills that managers must develop in working with others who are different from themselves. Special attention is paid to the effect of gender and racial diversity on individuals, work groups, and the organization as a whole.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 240 Interpersonal Relations in Management     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116

This course increases awareness of the process of understanding and relating to others in an organizational setting. It is designed to deepen insight into the dynamics of relationships and to improve interpersonal competence. It builds a conceptual foundation for understanding interpersonal communication, developing skills in listening, assertiveness and conflict management, and helping students understand the importance of interpersonal issues in a managerial role.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 241 Leadership: Concepts, Competencies and Character     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116

We examine the role of managers as ethical thought leaders, problem solvers and change agents. The complexities of, and challenges associated with, managing and leading change in a rapidly changing, international, diverse and information-based environment are emphasized. Through discussion, case analysis, role playing, decision-making simulations, and experiential exercises, students explore the responsibilities of contemporary business and the complex issues of leading and guiding organizations in a turbulent environment. Students have the opportunity to apply and develop a range of personal leadership skills – analytical, problem solving, ethical decision making, interpersonal, communication, influencing, negotiation, conflict management, and change-related implementation - in a variety of leadership situations.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 242 Emotional Intelligence at Work     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116

Developing ones emotional intelligence is very much in keeping with working and managing in organizations attempting to meet the challenges of our modern era: globalization, the pervasive impact of technology on communication and human functioning, and the need to adapt to the increasing demands of constant change and uncertainty. It is here that EQ is at the center of working, managing and leading effectively. This course provides in-depth study and application of the principles of emotional intelligence to working in organizations. Students will formally assess their own emotional intelligence prior to the start of the course, and each class meeting will be devoted to interpreting and putting a component of emotional intelligence in perspective. Through reading, open discussion and experiential learning, students will build their emotional self-awareness and crucial competencies such as managing emotions, increasing empathy, self-expression and creativity.

Typically Offered: Fall

MG 250 Human Resources Management     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116.  Note: this course may be taken concurrently with MG 351.

This course examines various aspects of human resources management, including employment planning, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, training and development, compensation and benefits, and labor relations. It focuses on personnel problems of major concern to managers in general, as well as to professionals in the field of human resources management.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 299 Experimental Course in MG     (3 credits)

Experimental courses explore curriculum development, with specific content intended for evolution into a permanent course. A topic may be offered twice before it becomes a permanent course. Students may repeat experimental courses with a different topic for credit.

Typically Offered: Every two or more years

MG 300 Strategic Management     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: LA 100, AC 115, ST 113, MG 116, Pre or Co-Req: at least 51 completed or in progress credits. Students who have completed GB 410 not eligible to take MG 300
MG 300 can not count as an elective in any Major or Minor

Strategic Management examines how organizations can achieve sustainable performance by mobilizing and aligning resources, processes, and activities towards articulated strategic goals, anticipating and responding to environmental change, and interacting with stakeholders. The course integrates and reinforces core learning from prior courses across all business areas and exposes students to the opportunities and challenges of doing business in a dynamic global environment. Strategic Management introduces the analytical tools needed to assess the value added and alignment of organizational processes and activities, while also preparing students to think creatively and flexibly about strategic decisions and their short and long-term organizational implications.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 313 Business and Society     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: LA 100, MG 116, Pre or Co-Req: at least 51 completed or in progress credits
MG 313 can not count as an elective in any major or minor

Businesses operate in complex environments. They interact with customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders. They also encounter non-market actors like government agencies, activists, local communities, and the media. Managed well, this web of stakeholder relationships yields synergies, opportunities, and mutual benefit; managed poorly, tradeoffs or conflict. Drawing on case studies and discussions of a range of social issues, this course explores the business and society interface in all its legal, ethical, cultural, technological, and political complexity. This course introduces the tools effective managers need to reconcile stakeholder demands, anticipate the issue life cycle, pursue socially responsible initiatives, weigh the ethical and financial implications of their decisions, and engage in the public policy process. Special focus is on how the world is changing and the potential for business and society to work together to address its grand challenges.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 315 Supply Chain Management     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 214 or MG 215

Supply chain management has been recognized as an untapped source of competitive advantage. This course will develop students' understanding of supply chain activities (planning, sourcing, producing, and delivering goods or services). It is likely that no matter where you work (marketing, finance, or accounting) within an organization and no matter whether they work for a service or manufacturing company, they will need to understand the supply chain process and its interactions both within the organization and with the firms customers and suppliers. Students will understand how supply chain strategy informs and enables business strategy as well as key business activities such as new product development. The course will also address how supply chain functions relate to the use of technology, as well as to the issues of ethics and corporate social responsibility. A variety of teaching methods will be used, including case discussions, hands-on excercises and computer simulations.

Typically Offered: Spring

MG 316 Service Operations Management     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 214 or MG 215

Service operations are a significant part of economy. Manufacturing companies leverage services for market differentiation, revenue stability, and improved customer satisfaction. Service firms, in turn, apply manufacturing insights on process efficiency and quality. Understanding service operations, however, is challenging. Services are intangible, highly variable, not storable or transportable and often involve distributed operations with a significant amount of customer contact. This course provides a managerial perspective on strategic analysis and operational decision-making in services, including service design, revenue management and quality management. A key aspect is a team project where students study and improve a local service firm’s operations quantitatively and qualitatively.

Typically Offered: Fall

MG 317 Managing Quality     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 214 or MG 215

In today's highly competitive business environment, companies recognize the importance of providing high-quality goods and services. Quality once provided a firm with a competitive advantage in the marketplace, but this is no longer the case. High-quality products are now considered only an "ante" to enter the race to become a "world class competitor". The goal of this course is to introduce students to modern quality management principles, methods and tools and to identify the various requirements for the successful implementation of a quality management program.

Typically Offered: Spring

MG 318 Continuous Process Improvement / Lean and Six Sigma     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 214 or MG 215

In today’s hypercompetitive business environment it is essential for organizations to focus on creating value for its customers. Continuously improving business process performance within the Enterprise and its Supply Chain is a key factor in creating value by lowering costs, improving service delivery and achieving superior Quality. This course provides a structured framework for achieving continuous process improvement throughout an organization by focusing on the reduction of variance and the elimination of waste.

Typically Offered: Every two or more years

MG 331 Management of International Operations     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: EC 111 and (GB 215 or MG 116)

This course views the management problems of enterprises whose interests extend across international boundaries, problems of the formation of international operations and the acquisition of foreign companies, as well as problems arising from the policies of foreign governments. It includes the various cultural and ethical issues confronting the local manager, organizational problems of international companies, and the problems of control and communication.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 334 International Management Behavior     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116

This course deals with understanding differences in behavior which stem from diverse national cultures and developing tools for effectively managing those differences. Many management concepts, techniques and systems taught in North American business schools are based on North American cultural beliefs and values. These concepts, techniques and systems may not work as intended in other cultures, and, if used improperly, can compound managers' problems. This course contributes to the development of knowledge and skills needed to manage effectively in other cultural environments and/or to work effectively with people from other cultures, and develops awareness of the pervasive and hidden influence of culture on behavior, particularly with respect to management and management practices; familiarity with the types of situations and issues which managers often confront when working internationally; and appreciation of the impact on personal behavior of living and working in another culture.

Typically Offered: Fall

MG 335 Entrepreneurial Thinking     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116

This course focuses on all aspects of starting a business: selecting promising ideas, initiating new ventures, and obtaining initial financing. It concentrates on how ventures are begun, how venture ideas and other key ingredients for start-ups are derived, and how to evaluate new venture proposals. The course explores business plan development, and legal and tax considerations.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 336 New Venture Planning and Financing     (3 credits)

Pre or Co-Req: MG 335

This course covers a broad range of planning and financial activities that occur throughout the life of an entrepreneurial venture. Students gain "real world" experience in identifying a product or service based on their understanding of a potential customer's needs and wants, selecting a flexible low-cost business concept to deliver these products or services, determining the financial and human resources needed, and detailing the myriad actions and decisions required to transform the vision into reality. Students also focus on the issues related to funding an entrepreneurial venture by exploring the basics of attracting start-up and growth capital, valuing a company and going public.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 338 Launching Your Business     (3 credits)

Pre- Req: MG 335

This course provides the students with the knowledge and skills necessary to (1) select the businesses that are right for them and (2) execute on their business plans and successfully launch their businesses. During the semester, students will systematically learn and do what is required for the successful launch of most new ventures.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 340 Selected Topics in Management     (3 credits)

Instructor Permission

This course examines a different management theme or themes in each semester. The following topics are currently planned: organizational change, management of innovation, managerial and professional negotiations, and managing effective work groups.

Typically Offered: Every two or more years

MG 341 Management Consulting     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of management consulting. Students will first explore consulting from a macro level, then they will learn about consulting from an interpersonal level where the student will gain the perspective of the consultant and client.  The course has three main objectives: a) provide an orientation to management consulting as a career, b) illustrate the competencies important for management consultants to present and master, and c) engage students in a real-world opportunity to practice working with a client in the needs analysis portion of a consulting project.

Case studies, project work and experiential exercises will be used extensively. Students will work as individuals and in teams to complete course activities to further explore the course concepts.

Typically Offered: Fall

MG 343 Project Management     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116

This course discusses the specific concepts, systems and techniques for managing projects effectively. It leads students through a complete project life cycle, from requirements analysis and project definition to start-up, reviews and phase-out. The project manager's role as team leader is examined, together with important techniques for controlling project costs, schedules and performance. The course employs a combination of lectures, case analyses, business/project simulations, videos and group discussions to develop the conceptional understanding and operational skills needed for effective managerial role performance.

Typically Offered: Once a year

MG 345 Organizations, Society and Responsible Management     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116

This course addresses the changing contexts that organizations operate in with an emphasis on responsible management and the implications for a variety of stakeholders. Specifically, it focuses on the overarching environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues facing various types of organizations (e.g. corporate, non-profit and non-government). Every manager, or aspiring manager, must consider this interrelated set of issues and how they impact an organization’s financial and environmental sustainability, its role in corporate social responsibility & global social movements, the treatment and diversity of its human capital, and the strength of its corporate governance, risk oversight and disclosure efforts. Overall emphasis is on understanding and managing a company's actions so as to serve as a responsible steward in the ESG nexus.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 350 Talent Management     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: MG 250

This course explores the repercussions in organizations of human resource policies in such areas as recruitment, selection, promotion, performance appraisal and compensation. It considers the impact of various human resource guidelines and rules on such critical factors as productivity, turnover, employee morale and managerial flexibility.

Typically Offered: Spring

MG 351 Developing Workforce Capabilities     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: (GB 215 or MG 116) and 21 in-progress or completed credits.

This course is about the impact of the training and development aspect of human resources management in the current global world of business. Regardless of career direction, it is critical to be knowledgeable about training and development practices, policies and environments impacting businesses. While the training and development tools of human resource management are the business tools discussed, these tools will be studied and learned in the context of business impact, human dynamics, and organizational as well as individual capacity.

Typically Offered: Fall

MG 352 Total Rewards     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: MG 250

This course focuses on Total Rewards programs, including compensation, benefits and work-life programs.Base pay programs, internal equity, external equity, market-based salary structures and short-and long-term incentive program design steps are evaluated as means to improve organizational performance and increase employee commitment. The course also covers qualified and non-qualified benefits programs, as well as the specifics related to designing and implementing effective work-life programs.

Typically Offered: Spring

MG 360 Negotiating     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116. Pass/Fail option not available on this course.

This course explores the theory and practice of negotiating, with a special emphasis on developing students' analytical, communication and interpersonal skills. It develops both an understanding of bargaining concepts and models and the skill to apply this knowledge in actual negotiating situations. This course uses role plays and simulations to increase student involvement and deepen the understanding of negotiating principles.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 365 Theory and Management of Nonprofit Organizations     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116

This course focuses on the wide range of nonprofit organizations, their special management problems and the various strategies that nonprofits employ to stay viable and healthy as well as to grow. Though the nonprofit sector includes organizations that range from theater groups to environmental groups to social advocacy groups, and many more, there are common management problems that occur in most nonprofits. The course will focues on exploring these common problems and strategies for managing them. The areas of particular interest in this course are: Resource Acquisition and Dependence; Leadership and Management of Human Resources; and Strategy and Performance. A range of pedagogical approaches will be used, including case analysis of actual nonprofits; discussion of articles at the forefront of nonprofit research; and short research papers, examinations/quizzes and a term project.

MG 401 Directed Study in Management     (3 credits)

Instructor permission is required

This course permits superior students to study special topics. Allows repetition for credit.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 421 Internship in Management Practice     (3 credits)

Pre-Req: GB 215 or MG 116, 3.0 cumulative GPA or at least 3.3 GPA in at least 12 credits in MG courses, and internship coordinator permission

This course offers a field-based learning experience for selected full-time students in business and management. It requires students to select a seminar project related to his or her internship experience in consultation with the internship adviser. Requires students to attend regular seminar meetings, submit progress reports, and prepare a substantial report on academic concepts related to the work experience.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring

MG 444 Faculty-led Study Abroad Course     (3 credits)

Pass/Fail option not available for this course.

Faculty-led international courses are 3-credit intensive study abroad experiences offered during semester breaks, usually 10 to 15 days in length during January break, Spring break (as part of a Spring semester course), or in May after exams. The professor leads his/her students on an immersive learning experience in a region of the world where the professor has expertise, offering students the opportunity to combine cultural activities with business, NGO, or other relevant site visits. Students benefit from personal interactions with companies and organizations they would not encounter as a tourist.
The intensive format allows students to study abroad without missing a semester at Bentley.

Please visit to learn more.

Typically Offered: Every two or more years