University Catalogues

Finance Major (B.S.)

Finance is the study of the purchase and sale of assets by individuals and institutions. Understanding the markets and the terms of financial transactions in a global context is integral to the study of finance. Finance majors develop analytical skills through required courses that emphasize the financial environment of business, the decision-making process of corporations, key principles underlying the investment and valuation process, and the expanding international context of financial analysis, portfolio construction, and trading.

Finance majors use real-time data in the Trading Room, housed in the Hughey Center for Financial Services, where students apply theory and information technology to financial analysis, asset valuation, and risk management. The broad range of electives offered allows for specialization through concentrations in Financial Planning, Corporate Finance, Capital Markets, and Sustainable Investing. Students are encouraged to participate in internships (paid or unpaid) as part of the Finance major, and often have their pick from a variety of career choices in commercial banking, corporate finance, financial planning, insurance, money management, and more. The Finance degree provides sound preparation for career opportunities in management training programs of major corporations, financial services firms, insurance, and financial planning, and also for graduate education in business, finance, law, and other disciplines.

For further information about degree requirement policies and guidelines, see the Degree Requirements page.

Major Requirements

Major Courses (27 Credits)

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
EC 112Principles of Macroeconomics3
FI 305Principles of Accounting and Finance3
FI 306Financial Markets and Investment3
FI 307Advanced Managerial Finance3
FI 347Financial Modeling3
FI 351International Finance3
Select a concentration:9
Total Credits27

The Business Environment (6 Credits)

Course Title Credits
CS 305Business Processes and Systems3
MG 300Strategic Management3
Total Credits6

General Degree Requirements

Foundations for Success (15 Credits)

Course Title Credits
FDS 100Falcon Discovery Seminar3
Communications and Writing
Select one from:
EMS 101Critical Reading and Writing3
or EMS 101L Critical Reading and Writing with Lab
or EMS 102 Critical Reading and Writing for ESOL
or EMS 102L Critical Reading and Writing for ESOL with Lab
And one from:
EMS 104Multimodal Communication3
or EMS 105 Multimodal Communication for ESOL
Information Technology
CS 100Solving Business Problems with Information Technology 3
Mathematical Sciences
Select one from:
MA 105Mathematical Foundations for Business3
or MA 105L Mathematical Foundations for Business with Lab
or MA 107 Applied Calculus for Business
or MA 107L Applied Calculus for Business with Lab
or MA 131 Calculus I
or MA 131L Calculus I with Lab
Total Credits15

Context and Perspectives (18 Credits)

Course Title Credits
Students must take six courses, one in each category of Context and Perspectives:
Total Credits18

Business Dynamics/Business Administration Minor (18 Credits)

Course Title Credits
All courses are required:
AC 115Introduction to Financial Reporting and Analysis3
EC 111Principles of Microeconomics3
FI 118Introduction to Finance3
LA 100Business Law3
MG 116Human Dynamics in Organizations3
ST 113Business Statistics3
Total Credits18

Communication Intensive

All students are required to take a three-credit course designated as a Communication Intensive. This requirement can be met within a variety of course subjects in both Arts & Sciences and Business. Communication Intensive courses are designated with a "CI" in the course schedule. Transfer students with a minimum of 30 credits will be waived from the Communication Intensive requirement.

Please note that certain majors have an additional three-credit Communication Intensive built into their major requirements, separate from the general CI requirement.

Additional Requirements

Arts and Sciences Electives (15 Credits)

Course Title Credits
Select five Arts & Sciences elective courses15
Total Credits15

Unrestricted Electives (21 Credits)

Course Title Credits
Select seven elective courses21
Total Credits21

Total: 120 Credits

Concentration Requirements

General Finance Concentration

Course Title Credits
Concentration Requirements
Any three Finance (FI) or Finance and Technology (FT) courses not otherwise required.9
Total Credits9

Capital Markets Concentration

Course Title Credits
Concentration Requirements
FI 335Derivatives3
Select two of the following: 6
Quantitative Portfolio Management
Equity Research
Sustainable, Responsible, and Impact (SRI) Investing
Mutual Fund Operations and Management
Operations of Financial Institutions
Fixed Income Securities
Advanced Financial Modeling
Internship in Finance
Introduction to FinTech
Blockchain Applications and Decentralized Finance
Investment Applications of Natural Language Processing
Subject to department permission, any other relevant elective.
Total Credits9

Corporate Finance Concentration

Course Title Credits
Concentration Requirements
FI 345Applied Corporate Finance3
Select two of the following: 6
Equity Research
Fixed Income Securities
Advanced Financial Modeling
International Project Finance
Mergers and Acquisitions
Internship in Finance
Introduction to FinTech
Blockchain Applications and Decentralized Finance
Investment Applications of Natural Language Processing
Subject to department permission, any other relevant elective.
Total Credits9

Personal Financial Planning Concentration

Course Title Credits
Concentration Requirements
FI 360Introduction to Personal Financial Planning3
FI 361Comprehensive Financial Plan Development3
Select one of the following:3
Quantitative Portfolio Management
Sustainable, Responsible, and Impact (SRI) Investing
Mutual Fund Operations and Management
Insurance and Risk Management, Retirement Planning and Estate Planning
Internship in Finance
Introduction to FinTech
Blockchain Applications and Decentralized Finance
Investment Applications of Natural Language Processing
Subject to department permission, any other relevant elective.
Total Credits9
Students enrolled in the above Personal Financial Planning Concentration have the option to also satisfy the requirements for successful completion of the undergraduate CFP Board Registered “Financial Planning Concentration”1 by specifically completing the following four courses, in addition to the required FI360 and FI361 (Capstone) courses (a total of 18 credits):
Financial Markets and Investment
Advanced Managerial Finance
Corporate Finance: Applications and Advanced Topics
Insurance and Risk Management, Retirement Planning and Estate Planning
Financial Modeling
Financial Modeling
1 Students completing this CFP Board Registered Program at Bentley will have met the Education requirement for CFP® Certification Examination administered by CFP Board.

Sustainable Investing Concentration

Course Title Credits
Concentration Requirements
FI 316Sustainable, Responsible, and Impact (SRI) Investing3
Select one of the following: 3
Quantitative Portfolio Management
Equity Research
Select one of the following: 3
Energy Alternatives
Science of Sustainability
Global Climate Change
Science of Environmental Policy
Subject to department permission, any other relevant elective.
Total Credits9