University Catalogues

Student Accessibility Services

Bentley University is committed to offering an accessible, equitable, and inclusive learning environment for all students with disabilities. Housed in the Office of Student Success, Student Accessibility Services provides accommodations and services that promote individual growth and self-advocacy. Through collaboration and innovative programming, the staff strives to inform and educate all members of the Bentley community and promote diversity that respects and appreciates disability. We work closely with undergraduate and graduate students with various types of:

  • Learning disabilities
  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Mobility, visual, and hearing impairments
  • Medical conditions
  • Psychiatric/psychological disabilities

The major components of these services include:

  • Academic accommodations
  • Assistance with accessibility issues
  • Community education 
  • Individual coaching and support

Services are tailored to each student’s individual needs, and students are invited to take advantage of these services. In turn, the Student Accessibility Services staff will listen, guide, and educate students on the full range of the accommodations and services available. Staff members will also help evaluate individual strengths and weaknesses, thereby enabling the student to make wise choices on an independent basis. To register with Student Accessibility Services, students are encouraged to send a copy of their documentation via email to Stephanie Segalini (, Steph Bohler (, and Katie Johnson ( Documentation must be current (usually no more than three to four years old) and must be submitted by a licensed or certified diagnostician or medical professional. This documentation must be a comprehensive assessment and should include recommendations for accommodations and treatment.

Check the information regarding documentation for specific disabilities as well as general information.