University Catalogues

Blended Term Option

Blended Term for Seniors

The opportunity to finish their studies with a term blended between undergraduate and graduate courses is designed for motivated Bentley undergraduate students with high academic standing. Depending on the program of study, and prior coursework, master's degree requirements may be completed with one year of additional full-time academic work.

Blended term information sessions are a great way to learn about all aspects of the program. Students can schedule an appointment with an advisor in Graduate Academic Advising to discuss the admission process and academic options.

Program Benefits

  • Students taking advantage of a blended term may be able to earn both a bachelor's and master's degree in as little as five years, depending upon their personal and professional circumstances.
  • Students who qualify for a blended term can get a head start on a Bentley Master’s degree by taking up to 6 graduate credits in blended term status during the final term of their undergraduate degree. 
  • Blended term students apply to Bentley’s graduate school on an abbreviated application with no application fee and are eligible to waive the graduate enrollment deposit.
  • Students in the program waive the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Records Exam (GRE) requirement for admission based on their GPA or successful completion of blended term graduate courses.
  • Students who participate in a blended term may delay entry to a Bentley Master’s program for up to five years after graduation while beginning their professional career.

Program Requirements

  • Undergraduate students with a GPA of 3.20 by their final term of study are eligible to register for a blended term.
  • Students are limited to 16 credits during the blended term, including graduate courses. Only one blended term is permitted. 
  • Interested students should contact the Office of Graduate Admission to discuss program-specific requirements and merit aid questions.

Undergraduate Financial Aid in a Blended Term

  • Recipients of need-based aid (i.e., grants, loans) and merit-based aid (i.e., scholarships) should adhere to the following guidelines to retain eligibility for undergraduate aid and scholarships during their blended term. For specific information, please contact the Office of Financial Assistance (781.891.3168) with any questions or concerns.
  • Financial aid recipients (need- or merit-based) must take at least six undergraduate credits and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits to maintain eligibility for undergraduate aid.
  • Students who are receiving Bentley aid (grants or scholarships) are permitted to take a maximum of two graduate courses during the blended term, depending on their situation.
  • Students with undergraduate merit scholarships (awarded by Bentley University) will be allowed to receive their scholarship in the blended term, provided they still meet the GPA or other requirements.