University Catalogues

Bentley-Brandeis-Regis Exchange

Bentley students may enroll in courses at Brandeis University and Regis College through a cross registration agreement between the institutions. With the advice and approval of an appropriate faculty member and the Associate Provost for Academic Services and Operations, students may enroll in any Brandeis or Regis course that is not offered at Bentley. Grades from cross registered courses, including F's, are recorded on the Bentley transcript and are averaged into a student's overall Bentley grade point average.

Students seeking to enroll in a Brandeis or Regis course must obtain permission from the Brandeis or Regis faculty member teaching the course, as well as the institution's Registrar. Students must receive authorization from the Bentley Associate Provost for Academic Services and Operations to enroll in a course at one of the exchange universities. For more information, contact the Academic Services, You may also view the application form for cross registration in advance of meeting with the Associate Provost.