University Catalogues

Career Development - Undergraduate (CDI)

CDI 101 Career Design Introduction Seminar     (0 credits)

Career development and design are essential parts of the undergraduate experience, as students need to be well prepared to not only enter into the unknown world of college recruiting and internships, but to succeed in both. Career Design Introduction Seminar will introduce the foundation of this critical tool development (introduction of career design thinking, self-assessment and understanding of personal talents and strengths, resume and cover letter development, LinkedIn and elevator pitch development, information meetings and mentoring, networking and utilizing social media, and internship search strategies). This course will teach incoming first-year students how to identify and understand their own strengths, interests and skills as they relate to their careers and how to best develop and utilize these necessary tools for their lifelong career development and evolution.

CDI 201 Career Design Introduction Seminar     (0 credits)

Pre-Req: CDI 101 and at least 21 completed and in progress credits

CDI 201 is for sophomores and focuses on helping students determine appropriate major and career path based on their strengths, interests, skills, and values. The curriculum is centered on advanced StrengthsFinder-based assessment, Strong Interest Inventory assessment, major decision assessment and customized career action planning. This course is a non-credit course and will not appear on the transcript. The 4-week class is only offered in the Fall of students’ second year, and covers applying talent in career exploration based on strengths (StrengthsFinder assessment), personality and environment “fit” based on interests (Strong Interest Inventory assessment), major and career pathing and decision making, and customized career design action planning.

Typically Offered: Fall

CDI 301 Career Design Intensive     (0 credits)

Pre-Req: minimum of 30 Credits

CDI 301 is an advanced career design and job search preparation course offered to sophomores, juniors and seniors and focused on their career development based on their specific MAJOR.  Eight specialized, asynchronous CDI 301 courses are offered in the following major fields/industries of study every Fall and Spring and meet students career development needs on demand:  AC/ACS/MA/ISAC/CFA-AC focus, BA's and Leading with your Liberal Studies Major (BA/LSM), CIS, Consulting (any student can take this in addition to their major 301 course, but can only take one 301 per semester),  CI/IDDC/MC/MG/MK/PS, DA, EC-FI/BE/QE, and FI/CFA-FI focus. CDI 301 educates students about advanced career design and job searching as they relate to their particular major, related jobs and industries, and recruiting timelines, and help students evolve their career development toolkits and develop their interviewing skills, career management skills, and workplace readiness competencies as upperclassmen.

Typically Offered: Fall and Spring