University Catalogues

Creative Industries Major

Creative industries are a major driver of global growth. Success in this rewarding arena requires mastery of vital advocacy and visibility tools to “break through the clutter” and reach intended audiences. Majors learn how historical and technological changes drive demand for new culture, and dissect how innovators build content, platforms or services.

Courses immerse students in the specialized terminology, communication and practices of industries that produce, promote, and distribute creative work. They prepare students to work in companies that need expertise in design, marketing communication, information architecture, copywriting or promotion. This program offers flexibility and customization — a hallmark of all successful creative industries.

Prospects in the creative industries are strong and diverse. Emerging technology is expanding creative content for smartphones, social media and digital entertainment, and enabling innovations in distribution and promotion. The major prepares students for careers in: social media, media promotion, sports or entertainment PR, digital and social media, interactive multimedia, social TV, game management and media planning. The Media and Culture Labs and Studio in Lindsay Hall boasts professional software for screenwriting, film editing, sound mixing, animation and graphic design. Our state-of-the-art Labs and Studio give students hands-on experience in all forms of media production and provide opportunities for them to develop their creative abilities.

In addition to the specific major requirements described below, students must also complete all designated requirements in Foundations for Success, Contexts & Perspectives in the Arts & Sciences, Business Dynamics, Communication Intensive coursework, and the additional degree requirements for business majors.  Details can be found in the Degree Requirements section of the catalogue, including the Overview and the Business Majors tabs.

Course Title Credits
Required Courses24
IDCC 225Designing Experiences3
IDCC 240Fundamentals of Design3
Select two IDCC electives from the following:6
Public Relations Theory and Practice
Public Relations Writing
Advanced Visual Communication
Digital Public Relations
Sports Public Relations
Web Design I: Information Design, Principles and Practices
User Interface Design
Web Design II: Information Architecture and Site Management
Elements of Usability and User Experience
Selected Topics in Information Design and Corporate Communication (if appropriate)
Internship in Information Design and Corporate Communication
Select one of the following media industry courses:3
Global Media
The Television Industry
Disney+: Content + Platform
Hollywood Production Cultures
Hollywood Convergence
Hollywood Rebels: A History of American Independent Film
Films, Franchises, and Fandom: Superheroes in Popular Culture
Popular Music Studies
Internship in English and Media Studies
Elective Courses
Select any three EMS electives in the department, including the following:9
Introduction to Media Theory
Introduction to Mass Communication
Introduction to Media Production
Writing Fiction
Writing for Drama/Screen
Creative Nonfiction/Essay Writing
Global Media
The Television Industry
Hollywood Convergence
Popular Music Studies
Audio Production
Animation Production
Design as Communication
Selected Topics in English and Media Studies
Internship in English and Media Studies