University Catalogues

Minor in Applied Statistics

In today's data-driven world, the ability to extract meaningful insights from complex datasets is paramount. Our Minor in Applied Statistics equips students with a robust toolkit of statistical methods, such as regression analysis, experimental design, and cluster analysis, which are essential for tackling the complexity of real-world data analysis. Whether you are majoring in economics, psychology, finance, or marketing, or simply fascinated by the power of data, this minor provides invaluable skills for navigating the contemporary business landscape. Students with a Minor in Applied Statistics will be prepared to dissect intricate problems and unveil actionable insights from data, positioning themselves as indispensable assets in any analytical endeavor.

For further information about policies related to minors, see the Program Policies page.

Prerequisite Courses

Course Title Credits
MA 131Calculus I3
or MA 131L Calculus I with Lab

Program Requirements

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
MA 214Intermediate Applied Statistics3
MA 252Regression Analysis3
Select two from the following: 16
Data Visualization
Design of Experiments
Data Mining
Introduction to Generalized Linear Models and Survival Analysis in Business
Applied Econometrics
Total Credits12

Students who complete MA 214 and MA 252 for an Actuarial Science Major or Mathematical Sciences Major must select four courses (12 credits).