University Catalogues

Tuition and Fees

Commitment Deposit (Nonrefundable)

New U.S. Students and International Students

Full Time Graduate $1,000
Part Time Graduate $500

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for the 2024-2025 year will be available on the Student Financial Services website here.

Bentley University Payment Plan and Payment Options

Bentley University has developed a payment plan which allows students to split up their balance owed on their student account over a maximum of four payments for a nominal fee of $35. To view the payment options, click here.

Other Expenditures

Estimated costs for books and supplies for graduate students will vary based on enrollment. Books and supplies issued to military veterans under Public Law 894 and 815 are billed to the government. Students who bring cars on campus are required to register them with University Police. Information about parking and permits can be found here

Tuition Refunds

All refund requests must be submitted online via Workday to the Office of Student Financial Services. Step-by-step guides for setting up refund elections and completing the online refund request form can be found here.

Withdrawal credits for tuition are made according to the following schedule:

Withdrawal period Amount to be credited
First week 100 percent
Second week 80 percent
Third week 60 percent
Fourth week 40 percent
Fifth week 20 percent
No refund after end of fifth week.

In the case of course withdrawal, scholarships initially credited toward tuition balances are subject to the same withdrawal credit percentage as the tuition charge. No cash refunds of scholarships are made.

Tuition refund disputes must be submitted in writing by completing a Tuition Refund Application.

Note: Bentley University has partnered with GradGuard to offer Tuition Insurance. The insurance provides 100% reimbursement for tuition, room, board, and most other fees. Learn more and review the plan coverage to determine if it meets your needs at or call (877) 794-6603.

Application of Financial Assistance to Student Account

Financial assistance is generally awarded for the full academic year; aid is disbursed by semester. At the start of each semester, one-half of the aid is credited to the student’s account. Institutional grants and scholarships are generally credited at the start of each term. Loans cannot be disbursed until promissory notes are completed and loan counseling requirements are met. For more information, please visit the Student Financial Services web page. 

Federal Policy for Return of Federal Funds

A federal regulation specifies how colleges and universities must determine the amount of federal financial aid a student earns if he/she withdraws or is withdrawn from the college or university, which differs from the university's refund policy and applies only to students receiving federal student aid. The law mandates that Bentley use a specific formula to calculate the percentage of federal student aid "earned" at the point of withdrawal. The amount of assistance that a student has earned is determined by the percentage of the semester completed. For example, if he/she has completed 30 percent of the semester, he/she earns 30 percent of the federal aid they were originally scheduled to receive. Once a student has completed more than 60 percent of the semester, they are considered to have earned all of their federal assistance.

If a student received excess funds that must be returned, Bentley University must return a portion of the excess equal to the lesser of the qualifying institutional charges for the term multiplied by the unearned percentage of the funds, or the entire amount of the excess funds.

If the university is not required to return all of the excess funds, the student must return the remaining amount. Any loan funds that they must return, the student (or the student's parent for a PLUS loan) repays in accordance with the terms of the promissory note. That is, the student makes scheduled payments to the holder of the loan over a period of time.

If a student is responsible for returning grant funds, they do not have to return the full amount. The law provides that they are not required to return 50 percent of the grant assistance received that it is the student’s responsibility to repay. Any amount that does have to be returned is a grant overpayment and the student must make arrangements with the Department of Education to return the funds and will be ineligible for future federal student aid until completed. If Bentley must return part of their financial aid and the removal of those funds from their account creates a balance due, the student will be billed for this balance.

Maintaining Eligibility for Aid

In order to remain eligible for financial assistance, students must meet standards of academic progress established in accordance with federal regulations. The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) of aid applicants and recipients will be evaluated by the Student Financial Services at the end of each semester. This evaluation generally occurs in January, May, or August, after semester grades are posted, as part of our determination of continued financial aid eligibility for future semesters.

SAP is determined by both a qualitative and quantitative appraisal. Qualitatively, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.7. Quantitatively, students must successfully complete (finishing with a passing grade) at least 67% of all attempted courses. An attempted course is one in which the student is enrolled after the second week of classes. Transfer credits accepted toward completion of a student’s program are also counted as both credits attempted and completed. Failure, withdrawal after the second week, or an incomplete (I) in a class constitutes an attempted course that is not successfully completed. Although aid is generally not available for repeat course work, repeated courses will be counted in measuring this standard. In addition, aid applicants may not attempt more than 150% of the number of credits required for their degree. For instance, if a degree requires 30 credit hours, a student may not attempt more than 45 credit hours to achieve this degree.

Students who fail to meet these SAP standards at the end of a term will be issued a Financial Aid Warning. Those given a warning will remain eligible for assistance for the next semester of attendance but must achieve the minimum 2.7 cumulative grade point average requirement and 67% completion rate at the conclusion of that term. After a term on Financial Aid Warning, students who fail to meet the SAP standards described above will lose eligibility for institutional and federal need-based assistance.

Students will be notified in writing by the Student Financial Services if they have lost aid eligibility. Students with significant and documented extenuating circumstances may appeal to regain aid eligibility through the Office of Graduate Academic Advising. Appeals must be made in writing and are required to include an explanation as to why the student failed to make SAP and what has changed that will allow the student to successfully make SAP at the next evaluation. Appeals are approved or denied at the discretion of the Director of Graduate Academic Advising. Students whose appeals are approved are placed on SAP probation, and thereby granted one additional semester of aid. In general, a student will be granted only one semester of SAP probation during their academic career. Students are expected to meet the standards of academic progress upon completion of the semester for which they were granted probation. 

Student Financial Services Billing and Collection Policy

Student Financial Services is responsible for billing and collecting fees for tuition, housing, meal plans, health insurance, parking violation fines, and any other application charges.

Our goal is to work with students and parents to resolve outstanding balances. We understand that students and their families may experience financial difficulties and it is important for those types of issues to be communicated to our office at an early stage. Bentley University offers payment plans to assist with the budgeting of the cost of education. We urge students and/or parents to contact our office prior to the due date of the bill to discuss any financial concerns that they may have. The earlier the issue is discussed the more tools we have to assist students in resolving the situation.

Bentley University recognizes that employers may pay some costs on behalf of students/employees. These agreements are made between the student and their employer and are not contractual agreements with the University. We do not bill companies/employers for student tuition. Students are expected to pay the balance due at the time of registration or by the due date for the semester.

  • Bentley University does not accept foreign checks under $250.
  • Bentley University does not accept foreign currency traveler’s checks.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to update Bentley University of address changes.

Each semester, all students are required to agree to the “Terms and Conditions of Payment Obligation” form prior to the start of classes.

If the balance is not resolved by the due date, a financial hold will be placed on the account. This financial hold will prevent students from registering for classes, changing their course schedule, participating in senior week activities, the graduation ceremony and from obtaining diplomas and/or transcripts. If applicable, the student may also be required to move out of housing.

Also, accounts with unresolved balances are subject to late payment fees of $100.00 each. If a balance remains unpaid the account will be assigned to the Bentley University Collection Department. If an acceptable payment arrangement cannot be reached, the account will be assigned to a collection agency. There are several consequences that accompany that action:

  • The account will be reported in a default/collection agency status to the credit bureaus. This may prevent the student from obtaining credit in the future.
  • The student will be assessed collection fees between 25% and 50% and possible legal fees in addition to the outstanding balance owed to Bentley University.
  • Any future classes that the student plans on taking at Bentley University must be prepaid (in full) via certified funds.